Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How I became Mormon…..part 4

One of my baptism pictures. This is a picture of me and Neil (the man I tried to convert)

When we last left off, my husband had just left, and I still was not anywhere close to sure what I believed. I still remember my first weekend without my children. I had never really been without my children for any significant period of time before. In the nineteen years of our marriage, Brent (my ex) and I had been on a total of four dates, and they were short. The longest I had been away from any of my children were the times I was in labor having another one. Try as I might, I have a hard time counting that as time away.

I spent the entire weekend crying. I did NOT want to be alone, but no longer had any friendships to call on. Neil was definitely not the comforting type, so it would be pointless to call him. Vicki had family obligations that weekend. Those were the only people I knew who were allowed to talk to me.

Coincidentally (or maybe providentially?), that was the same weekend Mormon's held General Conference. I did try to watch some of the talks on my computer, but always ended up crying so much I couldn’t see or hear anything. I remember several of the talks being about trials, but was having a hard time applying them for some reason. To be completely honest, I was still afraid I had made a wrong decision by refusing to submit. What if it turned out Mormonism was not true and I had sacrificed everything for a false religion?

Soon I started receiving letters from members of my former church, calling me to repentance. Most said I placed myself and my children on a path to hell. It was very frustrating. Not one person was willing to hear my side of the story. They felt they knew all the information they needed from my excommunication announcement at church. When I ran into church members in a public arena, I was either ignored completely, or told to repent. Even the woman who had been my best friend for quite a few years, pretended we had never even met when we unexpectedly ran into each other. It was infuriating, but I had too much on my plate to focus on their behavior.

The next emotion to hit me was panic. How was I going to provide for my family? I didn’t even have a college degree. When Brent and I first married we were both going to school. Then Brent suggested only one of us go at a time. Our agreement was that he would finish first, as he would be the primary breadwinner. When he was done, I could return. I agreed because, at the time, it seemed to make sense. The problem was he took seventeen years completing his courses, and then quit with nothing left but his master’s thesis. As a result, I never got to return.

Plus, there is NOTHING more important to me than my children. I did not want to give up raising and educating them. I needed to find a way to earn money and still be their mother.

To add fodder to my fear, all my math students were from my former church, with the exception of one family. They all dropped my classes. I remember calling one of the mother's in desperation, begging her not to drop my class. I wasn’t teaching theology, I was teaching math. She absolutely refused, citing the irresponsibility of letting her children study under me now that I was Mormon. I reminded her I wasn’t Mormon, I just felt I had the right to study it and examine my belief system. She told me I lacked character and this would be the last I heard from her. 

Her attitude was not uncommon. I heard the same thing time and time again from the parents. They didn’t feel I would be a good influence on their children. On top of that, the general manager of one of the two magazines I wrote for every month was a former member of my old church. I thought because he was a former member, there wouldn’t be any issues, but once word of my excommunication leaked to him, suddenly there were no more articles available for me to write. I called and asked if I could do advertising sales, volunteering to work on straight commission. That would not cost him anything. He refused even that.

I spent nearly every waking minute trying to find ways to earn money and still raise my children, but was not having much success. At some point a couple of things began to work out. The other magazine I wrote for was also run by a woman from my former church, but she was kind of dependent on me and decided to keep me on. That was at least some income. Then an acquaintance who owned a recording studio agreed to let me do some odd jobs for him, as they became available. With those two things, and me querying other magazines for work I should be able to squeak by. We’d survive.

I began to relax. Now I could focus on whether this church really was true, or if it I truly had reserved my spot in hell. At first it felt funny reading the Mormon scriptures in my living room. It had been forbidden for so long at that point, that part of me still felt like I was doing something naughty. Eventually I got past that, and in my spunkier moments would say aloud, “Oh look, Brent, I’m reading the Book of Mormon.” I decided it was time to take the next step. I was going to attend a Mormon church service. In order to take all precautions with my children, I waited until the next weekend they were with their father.

I was shaking like a leaf that first Sunday morning. I did not know anybody (Vicki and Neil attended a ward in a different city). It never even occurred to me to call that Bishop that had contacted Neil those many months ago. When I went into the chapel, I sat quietly by myself and looked around at the people. There was one woman in particular, Lanniece Lewis, who had the most radiant smile. Looking at her helped me relax a little. I spent the entire sacrament service praying, begging God not only to help me know what was true, but to help me know how to order my family correctly and provide for them. (Things had gotten a little out of control with the children while I was trying to drum up work). I was very concerned about order and provision.

The next significant memory of that day was relief society. My shaking was getting a little worse, and I felt very alone. One thing I remember very clearly was the practice hymn. They sang Be Still My Soul. I had never heard that hymn before, but my heart nearly leapt out of my chest when we sang the line: “Leave to thy God to order and provide”. That was exactly what I had been praying about just that morning. It made me feel like God was listening to my prayers. Maybe I would even know soon, whether or not the church was true.

The lesson ended up being on Joseph Smith and the trials and sacrifices he went through when he told people of his newfound faith. Tears began streaming down my face uncontrollably as they talked about Joseph’s struggles. There was something in his unshaken confidence I longed for. I wanted this church to be true. I thought it was beautiful, but I could not join a church on desire alone. I needed to know what God wanted me to do. I wanted Joseph Smith's confidence. My sobs grew (to my great dismay). I felt exposed, but couldn’t stop the tears. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I was so embarrassed. The sweet teacher (Emily Sigler) kept looking at me with compassion and I just didn’t know what to do. Finally, I raised my hand. I told the ladies I wanted so much to know if the church was true. Before I knew it, all the fear and agony came pouring out of my mouth. I told them everything. I told them I was scared. I wanted to know, if I was going to have to sacrifice everything, that it was for righteousness and not deception.

They were gracious. Many embraced me and told me why they knew the church to be true. Even if my testimony did not become sure as a result of their comments, it was at least comforting. I went home renewed in my efforts. I studied with renewed vigor and began meeting with the missionaries again. They came over at least once a week and would answer questions and eat dinner with us.

With my husband gone, there was no longer anyone telling me on a daily basis that Mormonism was a satanic deception. Gradually, my fear lessened, which opened up my ability to feel assurance from the Spirit. Though I knew fear and faith could not co-exist, it was so hard to get rid of my fear.

I longed to get baptized, but feared doing it without 100% assurance. One night after dinner, Elder Bird looked at me and said, “Annmarie, why haven’t you gotten baptized yet?” I replied I didn’t want to make God angry. I thought it would be hypocritical to get baptized without a 100% assurance and understanding.

He replied, “I am a representative of God, and I can completely assure you that God will not be angry with you if you get baptized.” He then told me he felt led to read a verse to me. Turning to Ether 12:6, he read, “And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.” At first I cringed, “until after the trial of your faith”. Wasn’t this enough of a trial? Was there to be more before I received a further witness? Then, suddenly, it hit me. The trial for me is not having 100% knowledge. I’m the kind of person who wants ALL the information. I want to study everything out ahead of time. I would never go to a test unprepared, and what could be more important than eternity?

For me, the trial was going forward without every piece of the puzzle put together. It occurred to me, I was doing to Mormonism what I would never have done to the Bible. I did not have to work out every verse in the Bible to believe it was true. I believed the Bible was true, because something told me it was. The same could be true of the Book of Mormon. So, I took a deep breath and said, “Ok. Let’s set a date.”

The days leading up to my baptism were filled with  great excitement. I felt a huge burden had been lifted. I was excited and ready to go. The piano teacher would baptize me, and Vicki would give a talk at the baptismal service. I was thrilled. This day was going to be amazing. Anticipation welled up inside me.

But, when I woke up the morning of my baptism, I was overwhelmed with fear. What if I WAS being deceived? I panicked. In desperation, I picked up my Bible and prayed. My prayer went something like this, “God, I know this is really bad theology, but I need to be sure right now if I am doing the right thing. So, I am going to open my Bible. If I need to cancel my baptism, please show me in the Scriptures now.”

I opened up my Bible, and the first verse my eyes laid upon was, “Beware of false prophets.” My heart stopped. Then I read on. The passage continued, “You shall know them by their fruit.” It was as simple as that. Peace flooded my soul. I had studied this faith and the life and teachings of Joseph Smith for close to three years, and I knew the fruit. I went to my baptism with 100% confidence. Something I never thought I would have. Nothing felt as good as being submerged in that water. I became a Mormon on May 9, 2009, and was confirmed on Mother’s Day, May 10th.

It hasn’t been easy since then. Shortly after my baptism, the magazine I wrote for on a monthly basis fired me. She was the majority of my income. I knew her attitude toward me had changed after I got baptized, but she had always been happy with my work, so I felt safe. Apparently, she was biding her time until she found a replacement. Once she found one, she stopped assigning me articles. When I asked her about it, she said she needed someone with a college degree.

My only guess, as I had not needed a degree previously, is that the pressure, or guilt, became too much for her to handle at church, and it was easier just to let me go. So, I’m back to square one in earning money.
There are other pressures too. It is hard being a single parent. I’m tired all the time, and the loneliness can be overwhelming. But, I can say with total assurance, that I am right where God wants me to be. I have learned so much in the last year, that my heart often feels like it is already in heaven. Of course, the realities of life quickly remind me I’m still in the telestial world... but I won’t always be.

I love being Mormon.


Phillip said...

Thank you for your testimony. I had wondered for a while what had happened as this didn't sound like the AnnMarie I had know 20 years ago. I am glad you found the strength to share. I think you have the making of a great book. Your writing style is very easy to read and at time I could feel your anguish. I hope everything works out for you. Phillip

Anonymous said...

Beautiful testimony Annmarie.

Jennifer said...

Be Still My Soul was my very favorite hymn for a while. I also really like Where Can I Turn For Peace. The message is especially beautiful in Spanish. My husband made a beautiful arrangement of that hymn. If you are interested, you can hear it at the following url:


I am happy for you that you have so much faith and peace after all you have been through, and I'm sure that will continue to carry you through the difficult times you are currently experiencing. The power of faith is very real.

The church does indeed teach many beautiful and comforting things.

I think you expressed how I am feeling lately when you talked about your heart being in heaven. I feel like we need to have heaven inside of us before we can ever have heaven anywhere else. I'm trying to find that to the best of my ability.

Thank you again so much for sharing your story. I have really enjoyed reading it.

Life can seem so crazy at times, but it is a great feeling when you feel like you are on the right path. My path has changed a lot over the past few years, in ways I never would have imagined, but it has kept me learning and growing, for which I am so grateful.

Amber said...

Wow!!! Thank goodness this telestial world is not the end of our existence-- eternal perspective is definitely what gets us through these trials. Did we really sign up for this, did we know it would be so hard?, and yet we can do it and we are passing the tests and doing the things that will bring us the greatest joy in grand scheme of things. Thanks for sharing - you made me cry-- very inspirational. I'm sorry for the people who wouldn't even hear your side, it is very closed minded and very sad.

Anonymous said...

My daughter (who also homeschools)drew my attention to your blog. I, too, am a convert to the gospel but have quite a different story.I attended nearly denomination around before I learned the truth and now I could never turn back--my eyes were opened and I'm so grateful for my testimony. Stay strong and close to the church--there is safety in living the gospel and I'm sure many new doors will open for you. I agree that you should write a book. Have you read Hartman Rector,Jr's conversion story? I picture you doing something like he did. I would love to meet you someday but I suppose many others would also. Stay strong in spite of the obstacles--you won't be sorry--besides, it's hard to run away from the truth. Best wishes.

Cindy said...

I have just read your conversion story and I am so touched! Sometimes I feel like I have challenges, but I have never been through such a difficult time. You must have had so much courage! Thank you for sharing and I know that you will be blessed for all the good(difficult) choices you made in your life.

shauna said...


I popped over here the other day after reading your post at Latter-day Home Schooling and I just have to say thank you so much for sharing your story. It is amazing to me as a lifetime member how strengthening the conversion stories of others can be. Reading this made me step back and really look at my own testimony. Am I strong enough to give up everything I know in order to follow the Lord? I hope so.

You have a beautiful spirit and I can see why the Lord worked so hard to bring the truth of the gospel to you. I know He won't leave you alone. I'll be praying that things work out for your good...and quickly!

Annmarie SanSevero said...

Thank you, everyone, for your very kind comments

Anon said...

Wow! Your story brought tears to my eyes, particularly when you explained about Be Still My Soul and the sisters embracing you at church. If I was there I would like to put my arms around you too and thank you for being such a valiant daughter of God.

I too am a convert but my conversion journey was not a difficult one. I will be praying for you and your family - that you will find a way to support your family adequately and that you will feel the loving arms of our Father encircling you and encouraging you onward, especially during the difficult moments.

BTW, it is REALLY awesome that you have been able to go to the temple. Go there as much as possible.


Carissa said...

Just finished reading your story and I am amazed at the character and strength you have! What a difficult time you have been through. I'm sending you all the love and prayers that I can. Hope you can feel it :). You certainly deserve to be happy and at peace.

Maja said...

I came across your blog from your latter-day homeschooling website. As a newbie, it is overwhelming and completely terrifying at times to have the entire weight of your children's future in your hands. I so loved your post yesterday and felt like it was a reaffirmation that it would be ok. I even sent it to my sceptical mom, and a couple friends who have just started/or are contemplating homeschooling.

Having being so buoyed up yesterday, I went again to your site, which lead me to this conversion story. It was one of the most intense, real, heart-pulling stories I have heard. It made me feel for you, your plight but ultimately deeply admire your character, your desire to live to do what is right. Your courage is astonishing and such an incredible example. It made me feel somewhat ashamed that I have taken for granted what I have grown up knowing.

Thank you for sharing and for your example. I am going to think of you often as I try to make my religion more than a way of life.

You are in my prayers. I know that things will work out for you and your children. Thank you again for blessing me with your beautiful words. I felt the Spirit over and over as I read them and feel edified.

You should consider writing a homeschooling book for Mormons...!!!

Erica said...

I came after reading your post at Latter-day Homeschooling.

Thank you for sharing your conversion story.

I'll be keeping you and your kids in my prayers, that is for sure.

I've seen mention on blogs and articles that it is possible to homeschool and be a single parent.

Rebekah said...

I found your blog by accident. I myself am a musician along with my husband, who is a convert. When I read about Be Still My Soul, that was when I really felt the spirit of your conviction. I pray for you and your little ones. My mother was a single mother and I know how hard things can be. But one constant I knew for sure was- my mother loved me. She sacrificed everything for my siblings and I. You WILL be blessed. Welcome to the church. =)

brittabelle said...

I loved reading these posts. This really could be a fantastic book. You said you have experience writing and a need for more income, perhaps publishing an ebook would generate a bit more income? It's just a suggestion that popped into my head. You could also consider putting a 'donations' button on your site from paypal. Sorry if I'm being nosy. I'm a bit of an obsessive problem solver lol.

I really do wish you the best. God will sincerely bless you for your faithfulness. I really believe that.

Annmarie SanSevero said...


Your comments are so encouraging. I am grateful for all of you and wish you lived near me!


Courtney @ Ordinary Happily Ever After said...

What an amazing story. You are in our prayers!

Montserrat said...

"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." (Joshua 1:9)

You exemplify this scripture in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your conversion story, your faith, and your testimony!

AmericanTestament.com said...

My wife recommended I read your story after she encountered it on the Latter-day Homeschooling blog. I'm incredibly stunned at your experiences in joining the Church. I'm not a convert. I've been a member all my life and my family has also been members all the way back to the Restoration, but I'm so impacted by your conversion story that I just had to write and say thank you for sharing it. You are a blessing to the Church and are/will be a blessing to your children and others around you as you gather confidence in sharing what you now know.

DSLA said...

Wow! Thank you so much for sharing your story. You and your children are in my prayers. My mother joined the LDS church when I was young. It was the beginning of the end of her marriage as well. As a child who "survived" a divorce and parents of differing beliefs, I will say to you that as hard as it was on me (and as much as I made life difficult for my mother) her joining the church and the resulting divorce (and subsequent remarriage) were all the right decisions for her and for her children! I love my dad but I wouldn't go back for anything. I see the same light in your eyes on the day you were baptizes as I do when I look at pictures of my mother the day she was baptized! Again, thank you for sharing and I am praying for you. I know that when it is the Lord's time he will provide for you and your children.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine posted a link to your blog on Facebook. My husband read it and encouraged me to do the same. We were both strengthened in our testimonies and I have personally been inspired in many other areas of my life as well. Thank you for showing the strength and courage you have shown. I know the Lord will bless you for your sacrifice and faith.

Becca said...

Oh, AnnMarie, thank you. I'm so sorry things are hard. As your "sister", I wish I could make things better--and I don't even know you!! But I agree with others--you are a great writer!! I would buy your book! I will say a prayer for you tonight. Thank you, again, for sharing.

Jason Dreambig said...

What an epic converstion story. Words can not describe how incredibly amazed that made me feel. I am the second son of lynette rogers and brother to Julia and Mary Rogers of whom your sun taught piano before they had moved. My sister Mary was just showing me pictures of her piano teacher on google and we ran across your blog. I had herd many rumers that your testimony was a good read so I thought I would take a glans. Little did I know that I would be pulled into such a story that I could not put down. I was throne on a roller coster of emotion, not knowing what could possibly happen next. Then leaping for joy with the answer you reseaved before your baptisom. Few books have such a great story in them.

Mary said...

Dear Sister Worthington'
I love your testimonie so much. you are so brave and strong and have a amazing spirit.I love how much love you have for your children they are so blessed to have a wonderful mother to show them to be strong and to follow the light.I love being best friends to your children and to learn music of the piano by your eldest talented son. I love you so much! love mary rogers.

Annmarie SanSevero said...

Thank all of you for your wonderful words of love.

Jason--We adore and miss your family. I wish I could have met you before they moved.

Mary!!!! Oh how much the Worthingtons wished you were here still. All of us love you. My sweetie pies keep begging me to go to North Carolina so they can hug your neck again. We miss the Rogers so much.

Liz said...

I'm in the Pinnacle Mountain ward and I've seen you at stake functions but not properly met you. But I saw your blog on your son's FB piano site and was hooked on your story. thank you for sharing your inspiring journey!

Judy C said...

Annmarie, I'm so sad to read how you felt through all of this. I truly wish that you had felt loved by our church. I'm grieved that you felt unfairly judged and harshly treated. So many times people who believe that they are doing what is right do it in a way that comes across as abrasive and unloving - I'm just sorry that you felt so alone. While I disagree with your conclusions about Mormonism, I pray for you and your sweet children and hope that you are well.

Montana Blakes said...

I VERY much enjoyed reading your story. My mother joined the church when she was 21 (my father's ancestors were Mormon pioneers) and I am so grateful for what she brought to us (her children) through her decision. It has blessed my life immensely! I wish you all the best in your continuing journey!

April said...

I'm all the way over here in Washington state, and my brother sent me this blog. I am grateful for the strength and character that you possess. There are so many members of the church that wouldn't give up what you have for the gospel. I am grateful for people like you who have a working faith and will drop anything for the Lord! Heavenly Father will bless you and has in so many ways! I know that this is God's Church! I hope you "retain a remembrance" of all of the things that the Lord has shown you, as the Book of Mormon teaches. We Love you and pray for you!

Anonymous said...

Sister Worthington,
That's a wonderful testimony, and I'm only sorry for the trial you went through before landing in safe harbor. I know you must be struggling financially and emotionally, but God knows you personally and cares about you. He will watch over you and your family. You do have writing skills, and while freelancing is hard, you obviously can make it work for you.

Justin Crowder said...

Sister Worthington
I just read your story from a friend on FB, and it was awesome and inspiring. I was born in the church, but my father is a convert and was baptized shortly before he met my mom (whose ancestors were Pioneers) at BYU. I don't know where I would be without the restored gospel in my life. Your conversion story reconfirmed my testimony of the truth restored. Thank you for being so brave through it all you are truly an example!! May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you in your journey.
Your brother,
Justin J. Crowder

Vickie S. said...

Thank you for your testimony and conversion story. One thing I have learned is that when Satan is working hardest it's because we are drawing close to something good. I'm sure there will be much good in your future!

TracieCarter said...

Thank you, thank you! You are a fantastic writer and I really appreciate this effort to share your conversion. It is beautiful and had me in tears of joy and heartache for you. I'm a hopeful homeschooler living in Germany for now and recently found the Latter-Day Homeschoolers blog which led me to you today. Keep up the great work!

The McEwans said...

I found your blog through the LatterDay Homeschooling blog. I'm looking into homeschooling my kids (the oldest is 3) Your testimony is beautiful and the whole story is amazing. My parents live in Searcy.

Annmarie SanSevero said...


Thank you for your kind words. If you ever have questions about homeschooling, feel free to emai me: annmarieflorence@att.net

Christina said...

I absolutely LOVE your story. I'm adding you to my list of blogs I read frequently in hopes that someone will stumble upon your blog and read this as I have. I've been a member for going on 16 years now. I too LOVE being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Thanks for sharing your story. Wonderful.

Aaron said...

Thank you so much for sharing. The gospel of Jesus Christ is so beautiful.What a wonderful mother you are! They are so blessed to have you!

Annmarie SanSevero said...

Thank you, Aaron. That is kind of you to say. I love this gospel.

Jason Johnson said...

Sister Worthington -

I am moved beyond words after reading your testimony, trial and journey. How special you and your family must be. You have turned my computer into hallowed ground.

Your friend,
Jason Johnson

Anonymous said...

Annmarie, again, thank you for sharing your wonderful story!

Gah, the tears came flowing as you faced your final moment, and turned to that scripture... it's one my girlfriend uses a LOT to denounce Joseph Smith. And I have kept saying, "By their fruits you shall know them."

It took me 10 years to finally accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, and despite my learning about things that showed a more human side to him, my love of him has only increased! He has done so much for the restoration of the gospel! (I bought the book by Bro Callister that you suggested "The Inevitable Apostasy", having read "The Infinite Atonement" before.)

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful and powerful story!


Annmarie SanSevero said...


Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Your girlfriend will be in my prayers.

Sandy said...

Here it is years later. I found your story through a FB post.

Your story continues to comfort and inspire.

Please continue to grow and write!

Annmarie SanSevero said...

Thanks, Sandy. It's only been three years. For a second there I felt old. I am continuing to write...and hopefully grow. I don't get to blog as much as I'd like, but I'm still writing.
I'm hoping to have my first novel published by the end of next year.

Michelle R. said...

I know it's been awhile since you've written this but thank you for sharing. I found you through mormon.org. This is a beautiful and powerful testimony!

Anonymous said...

Just came across your story and found it very interesting, particularly in a time in which most Mormon conversion narratives are about people leaving the LDS church. I found it interesting that you began your serious studies into Mormonism around the same time I did (2006). How much of a factor did the internet play in your studies? I too set out to understand Mormonism from Mormon sources and found it went a long way in both understanding Mormons and recognizing how the traditional Evangelical countercult writing was about protecting the flock rather than converting Mormons.

Based on your posts it sounds like your marriage and church were quite emotionally unhealthy. I can certainly understand the desire to free yourself from that sort of unrighteous dominion.

If you've got a second I'd love for you to check out my blog. I'm sure you'll find it to be quite a bit different than most of your conversations with Evangelicals about Mormonism.

Anonymous said...

I'm Tim, BTW :)

Unknown said...

Hi sister Annmarie. I read your testimony and I strengthened me much to go on. You a great woman. My case is similar to yours. I was born in a Protestant Christian family. Now I'm at a difficult stage, because despite being convinced of the truth of the Restoration of the gospel my family is not. I have investigated almost all doctrines and understood, but I have doubts in the priesthood of Melchizedek, do not know how to teach on this subject my family. Hope you can help me.
Sorry if my English is not very good, but just the basics. My mother tongue is Spanish.
Thank you.

Annmarie said...


First, I am so impressed by your second language skills, so you haven nothing to apologize for. I want to send you some information that may help. Would you mind contacting me by email? It will be much easier for us to communicate in depth that way. My email address is sophia.kai.charis@gmail.com
I am so glad you have a testimony of the gospel. Isn't it a beautiful faith? I look forward to hearing from you.
Annmarie Worthington

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Sorry, accidentally delete the comment.
My email adreess is emrd99@hotmail.com
I sent him 2 messages, but the first is wrong in translation. I think the second has fewer errors.
Thank you!!

The Ratnayake Family said...

What a remarkable woman of faith you are. I am so touched by your dedication to follow the will of God at all costs. You are truly an example of a true follower of Christ. I can't thank you enough for sharing your story.

Parker said...

Annmarie, your story inspires me! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it. You are a phenomenal writer.