Saturday, December 10, 2016

Review Your Light and Knowledge

Yes, I have been gone a while.  I've been working hard on other things. Even better, I'm starting to see those goals coming to fruition. I'll be back here a little more often because I've found a good pattern for taking care of my family, working, my callings, and homeschooling.  It's taken a bit. Truthfully, it will always be a work in progress with occasional course corrections. The same is true of our spiritual lives.

I'm in the habit of jotting down an application to myself after my scripture reading. Today I was in Alma 9. Verse 23 stood out to me.
"And now behold I say unto you, that if this people, who have received so many blessings from the hand of the Lord, should transgress contrary to the light and knowledge which they do have, I say unto you that if this be the case, that if they should fall into transgression, it wouuld be far more tolerable for the Lamanites than for them."
It's easy to take light for granted. We've been given so much. But, if we start ignoring the light. Willfully living without it. We destroy ourselves.

I jotted down Alma 9:23 "Review the light you've been given. Are you neglecting the things you have already been taught?"

If you're feeling stagnant in your walk with the Lord ask yourself if you're doing what you already know. The Holy Spirit isn't going to give further light and knowledge until we're honoring what we've already been given.

Maybe you just need a course correction.


Dulcinea del Toboso said...

Welcome back!

Great reminders. Thanks for being an inspiration to me.

I hope you are enjoying the holidays!! xo

Annmarie said...

Thank you, Dulcinea. Your words are encouraging. I am enjoying the holidays. I hope you are as well.
